Daniel Hoelbling-Inzko talks about programming
Time goes by way faster than I’d like it to and the Barcamp Klagenfurt 2010 is coming up really fast. (6-7. February)
While usually I was quite hesitant to choose a topic due to the diversity of the attending crowd (unfortunately not really enough real technical topics represented there), this year I think I can bring something very interesting to the camp: .less.
The advantages are obvious, with a crowd of bloggers, artists and also technical people talking about something as ubiquitous as CSS, and ways to improve it, will surely resonate well, allowing me to be a bit technical without raising too many question marks above my audience’s heads like last year (where I talked about IoC and Windsor).
As for the talk itself, I plan on first going over general features of Less (since we are a port I can also point people over to the Ruby version if they are more comfortable with that than with .NET ), and then into a tiny bit of detail about how .less works internally.
Finally, I hope to see as many people as possible at Barcamp Klagenfurt! Thanks to the team for organizing this year after year!