Daniel Hoelbling-Inzko talks about programming
At first I didn't want to post this. I'm completely exhausted after 8 hours of doing training at pixelpoint and some computer administration stuff for a friend afterwards.
But, because I talked like 3 hours about the Web 2.0 phenomenon and kept repeating "You should blog" I forced myself into blogging about it.
Although I didn't plan to stay for so long I actually enjoyed the day. I was doing a course on .NET programming in VB.NET and people were very interested and doing very well. Afterwards we had an open discussion (after I showed off some Web 2.0 stuff) about Web 2.0 and how it can be used for various things in the carinthian context.
The Web 2.0 actually got out of hand after we covered WordPress and FeedBurner in detail and we spent like an hours discussing the pro's and con's of WordPress as a CMS system for smaller web sites.
The programming session was far more enjoyable for myself. I think they actually did learn something from the whole thing, although they are still hesitating to write code themselves (I had to force them into writing a small sample application). But I think they now understand the .NET syntax much better and will be more efficient on doing ASP.NET web sites in the future.